About Me

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I'm a colonist who has declared war on machines and intend to conquer them some day. You'll often find me deep in the trenches fighting off bugs and ugly defects in code. When I'm not tappity-tapping at my WMD (also, known as keyboard), you'll find me chatting with friends, reading comics or playing a PC game.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

SMSBalcony on LWUIT Featured Apps Gallery

I've been working on this J2ME based mobile application named SMSBalcony and its been featured on the LWUIT Featured Apps Gallery. Check it out here. Some of the other apps in the gallery are much better though. :) Perhaps someday, I'll be skilled enough to do stuff like that.


Joy Jose said...

Dear Angelo

This is fantastic and great stuff.
I really appreciate you about the works which you are doing.
I know you are a talented Software Engineer.
May God bless you to do more stuff like this one.

Joy Jose

Angelo said...

Hey Joy,
Thanks for the compliment. :)