Hey folks,
I think I've learnt enough CSS to be able to make reusable components. I decided to start off with something that I thought would be both fun for me to do and useful for others to use. AGlossBar is a progress bar with a glossy look. The progress bar only requires the use of CSS, no images. The interesting part for me was coming up with a nice way to make the component tweakable by the user without compromising on its glossy appearance. Another hurdle (most likely due to my CSS n00bness) was finding a cross-browser solution. So far, I've only managed to test AGlossBar on the latest stable builds of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Opera.
The project has been hosted on github at: http://github.com/angelorohit/AGlossBar
If you use AGlossBar for anything, I'd love to know! Feel free to make a post in the comments here or fire an email to angelorohit[at]gmail[dot]com.
Happy CSSing!