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I'm a colonist who has declared war on machines and intend to conquer them some day. You'll often find me deep in the trenches fighting off bugs and ugly defects in code. When I'm not tappity-tapping at my WMD (also, known as keyboard), you'll find me chatting with friends, reading comics or playing a PC game.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Casting with Multiple Inheritance

(Reader Level : Intermediate)
(Knowledge assumptions : C++ casts, Multiple Inheritance)

The Question:
Given the classes:
struct A { int _aValue; };

struct B { float _bValue; };

class C : public A, public B { };
Consider the following statements:
C objC;

void *pC = &objC;

A *pA = reinterpret_cast<A*>( pC );

B *pB = reinterpret_cast<B*>( pC );

Are both pA and pB valid? Why or why not?

The Answer:
pA is valid. pB is invalid.

The Reason:
Many feel that the order in which base classes are inherited does not matter for multiple inheritance. However, in some cases, it does matter. This is one of those cases.

When creating an instance of C, its A subobject will be instantiated first and then its B subobject. This behaviour is due to the fact that C inherits from A first and then from B. The 'this' pointer of the A subobject will be at an offset of 0 bytes from the 'this' pointer of objC. On the other hand, the B subobject will be at an offset of 4 bytes from the 'this' address of objC. The displacement of 4 bytes is attributed to the integer member _aValue of class A.
The following diagrams should make things clear.

Now, what happens when you cast from a void* to A*? The compiler doesn't know that the actual type of pC is C*. So, it assumes that pA can point to the 'this' address of pC. That's fair because the A subobject of an instance of C will be at the starting address of objC. However, when making the cast from void* to B*, the compiler assumes that the B subobject is at the starting address of objC. That isn't true and hence, pB is invalid.

Now that we know why pB is invalid, let's see if we can correct it. Obviously, reinterpret_cast is ugly and unreliable.
Would a static_cast do any better?
Unfortunately, no. A static_cast works at compile time and as stated before the compiler doesn't know anything about the actual type of pC.
How about a dynamic_cast?
A dynamic_cast would nip our futile attempts in the bud by refusing to cast from void* to anything.

The take-home message:
reinterpret_cast is bad but void* is evil!

Friday, December 5, 2008

The three aspects of a successful Software Engineer

A wise person once told me that there are three aspects to a successful software engineer.

1. Attitude.
A person must have a good outlook and should always strive to do the best that he/she can. That defines attitude. A bad attitude could be attributed to the work environment (colleagues, work interest, monetary satisfaction, bosses etc.) but a good software engineer will try not to let such annoyances affect him.

2. Motivation.
Motivation means having a reason to do things. It gives a person a purpose and goal. If the odds are stacked against a person, then he/she must rise to the occasion.

3. Ability.
Ability involves the capability of a person. The ability of a software engineer is determined by the skills in his/her domain of expertise.

Now, here’s the interesting part. The aforementioned facets of a software engineer must go in that order of precedence. By having a good attitude and an “Up and at ‘em” disposition, one can discover motivation. Once a software engineer finds a reason to do something, then he/she will not quit until the job has been done and done well. A good attitude and proper motivation will naturally make a person pay attention to trivial details. It will make him or her push forward beyond normal limits and that’s what garners ability. An individual could be born with great skill but that could be put to little use unless he/she develops a good attitude.
Laugh in the most trying of times, never give up even if the chips are down and show others respect irrespective of whether you like them or not. That’s what a healthy attitude demands.